Supplement to Issue 78

WeAr celebrates the most interesting in denim, sustainability and innovations in fabric with a supplement issue to global flagship WeAr Global Magazine Issue 78: WeAr Denim #6

WeAr Denim caters to the Denim community in its entirety: sourcing, fabrics, yarns, washing, brands, and the relevant retailers. It will report on the latest innovations, sustainable technologies, and important players and innovators.

While WeAr global magazine strives to perfectly curate and visually stage the finished products, WeAr Denim deals with the entire preliminary stage from the denim & casual sector. The aim is not only to describe fabrics and innovations verbally but to illustrate them visually.

WeAr Denim is available digitally to download free of charge from here and will be distributed in print together with WeAr’s English edition as well as at important denim-related events.